Hi, my name is Fernando Farinha from Beautiful Day Real Estate.
Today I wanted to talk about hiring a professional real estate agent versus selling a home on your own. Everybody’s got a busy schedule, so do you do you want to add selling real estate to your already full plate? You have to take calls from interested people, not necessarily interested buyers but interested people, wanting to see your property.
You have to qualify those buyers. You’d have to understand where your advertising is going to be done. What does that cost? What does that look like against your budget? Agents are professional negotiators. They take the emotion out of it. You’ve been living in a house for a long time. You’ve built sweat equity into it.
Agents understand the contracts and timelines. They understand that the closing paperwork can be complicated. There are federal and state regulations that are complicated and changing every day.
Buyers may even have an agent on their behalf, you don’t have anybody at the closing table, if you don’t have an agent with you.
Real estate agents provide pricing advice, they understand the marketplace. They understand the neighborhoods. They can do a free market analysis. Yes, a FREE market analysis to determine what your property will sell for in the condition of today’s market.
Selling your home is not as easy as you think. Hiring an agent to sell it alleviates the stress, lists and sells it more quickly. The best decision you can make is to hire an agent today, so please contact Beautiful Day Real Estate. We’re here to help, and don’t forget every deal starts with an agent and you working for the same common goal.
Thank you,
Fernando Farinha
Call or text 774-644-3800