Selling real estate is a business transaction.
Hello, it’s a beautiful day to talk about real estate.
I wanted to give the sellers a quick seller’s tip today.
When you are selling your property, try to remove the
emotional attachment that you have to your home and
think about selling your property as a business deal,
which is basically what it is.
It’s one of the largest investments you’ll ever make and
when you sell it, you have to think business. so you want
to make sure that your property is prepared and ready for
a buyer to go and take a look, and see themselves in it,
so remove your personal stuff from it.
When you get an offer you have to put on your business
cap and really negotiate it. As a business deal don’t be
insulted by somebody’s offer. They’re just doing the best
they can to get it for the price they want, and you’re going
to do the best you can to get the most you can for it.
Negotiating is part of that.
We can help you when you need to negotiate. We want to try to
get you the most money for it, in the shortest amount of time.
We’ll help you through that, but you need to just keep an
open mind and focus on business.
Take the personal out of it as much as you can. We know
real estate is personal, and you do have an attachment to it,
but you have to kind of remove yourself from that when
you’re ready to sell, and we can certainly help you with that.
So if you’re considering selling give us a call, we’d love to
get together and talk a little bit more about it with you.
I will leave some contact information here as well so give us
a call when you’re ready and make it a beautiful day.
Take care,
Karen McLinden